Just released: Half day in-company What Winners Do events ⭐️🦅⭐️
Invite speaker, coach, entrepreneur and author Andy Fell to work with your company's leaders, rising stars and/or sales/service teams for one of two in-company 3 hour events:
Leading High Performance Teams - What Winners Do for leaders/future leaders
#Dare2soar - What Winners Do for sales/service teams.
Aligning the relevant core frameworks, habits and routines from What Winners Do to the needs of leaders of all experience levels, Andy will focus on great self leadership, before exploring how to create, inspire and empower high performing teams.
With #Dare2soar, Andy focuses specifically on the needs of sales/service teams with a deeper dive into how to create a high performance culture. How to set high performance goals, how to create a positive, can do, optimistic environment conducive to people stretching themselves and what they believe is possible.
For more details, contact Andy directly on andyfell@gift631.com